Monday 31 October 2011

Newborn, Pearls & Curls

How excited was I to have the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family!  So, so excited. 

I arrive, go to turn the car off ... keys won't come out of ignition.  Try fiddling, check steering wheel is not locked, turn car back on and drive forward a bit.  Turn car back off.  Keys will still not come out.  Oh well, she'll be right I think, not likely to get stolen here.

I'm greeted by Darren and his stunning daughter P.   She is wearing pearls and I just know that I am going to love taking photos of this little girl.  Inside I meet Darren's wife Belinda, who has just come home from hospital with baby M that morning.  Sqeeeeeeeeee, baby M is so little and perfect and newborn precious.  And then from her afternoon nap rouses young Miss B.  I spend a delightful couple of hours with this family who are lovely in every way. 

Ready to head home to my own little family I turn the key in the ignition and ... well, I bet you can all guess what happened next!


zip, zero, zilch.

Darren gallantly tries to jumpstart the engine for me.


I ring RACQ.  That will be a 90 minute wait.

So back in we go and I enjoy a cup of tea and a chat with Darren & Belinda.   Ninety minutes doesn't seem like that much of a wait in the company of this couple and eventually RACQ comes and they start my car.

And you know what.... it was all totally worth it!

Hope you enjoy the photos :-)

Friday 21 October 2011

Young Brothers {Mini Session}

How gorgeous are these two little brothers!  Baby L was recently baptised and as is so often the case on those kind of days, his mum later realised that they had not managed to get a photograph of him by himself in his cute little suit.  So together with his big brother we had a mini-session to get that photograph... and a few extra to boot.

Saturday 15 October 2011

On the street.

Today I went to see the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery. Oh my goodness, the work of that man is just out of this world amazing.  For anyone with a vague interest in stunning photography I cannot recommend it highly enough.  It's hard not to walk away from an exhibition like that feeling inspired to go and take photos.  So that is exactly what I did!



I was then lucky enough to have the lovely woman above ask me for directions to Post Office Square. Noticing my camera she asked me if I knew that there was a Wall Street sit in protest being held there and that it would probably be a good place to get some photos.  I love it when strangers are happy to have a chat and be friendly!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

A New Hairclip

Does there need to be any better reason to take a drive out into the country to take some photographs than an awesome new orange hairclip!